Personal loan is the most sought after help by the people in financial problem because of different reasons. In most cases, this type of loan is not secured with asset or a guarantor; therefore, it is known as ‘unsecured loan’ also. The unsecured personal loan is a power to manage the emergency expenses during the crisis when no other option is left. It is the most dependable way for the UK people to survive and sail safe through the turmoil of financial crunch (Fig. Source: ).. The majority of people trust the loans without guarantor in the UK being offered by FCA regulated direct lenders. However, getting the best deal needs a smart approach encompassing the selection of private lender, terms, fees, interest rate, process, support model, penalties, loan amount, repayment period etc. Pros and Cons of No Guarantor Personal Loan: Pros of Bad Credit Loans without Guarantor: The unsecured personal loan improves the spe...